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The educational program of Nelyland Nursery is based on the broader and all-round development of children. It is the result of a combination of successful and proven educational methods and new trends in pedagogy, and is restructured every year and adapted to the specific needs of the children. It incorporates the most modern educational methods based on the great pedagogues of the field and provides children with all the skills they need to master from an early age for their later adult life.


For example, some of the leading methods based on the Froebel model, Montessori, Piaget, Decroly, Orff, Dalcroze, Vygotsky, the psychologist Dewey, Reggio Emilio, the Suzuki method and the 6E model (new pedagogical model). The main areas of development of the educational program of our kindergarten are the following:

Personal and social awareness

Emotional strengthening

Kinetic skills

Mental strengthening


The educational program of Nelyland Kindergarten is child-centered and experiential. It is enriched with new ideas and renewed every year, discovering the latest in Primary Education. The child is taught and educated through play. We focus our attention individually on each child within the class as a whole, always taking into account his or her potential and individual characteristics. We shape characters and personalities, teaching right and wrong, kindness and morality, aiming to make them feel strong, secure and whole, and in doing so we hope to add a little something to their later readiness to shape the future they deserve.


Also, our Kindergarten includes Skills Workshops, which is an innovative, dynamic, didactic, educational activity, which consists of adding new Thematic Units, focusing on skills, utilizing modern learning methods. In particular, the basic principle of the Skills Workshops is to combine the curriculum’s knowledge field with the development of students’ basic skills, in order to shape them into free and responsible citizens. These include, in addition to basic literacy, reading and writing, science, English language, transversal skills and key competences such as digital literacy, critical thinking, problem-solving and learning to learn.

Special attention is paid to the individuality of each child and the general cognitive and perceptual level of the class, which is why learning is based on a group and individualized approach

We reinforce the concepts of cooperation, mutual help and teamwork.

There is constant monitoring, recording and informing parents about the children's learning development

We gradually prepare the children for a smooth and successful transition to primary school.

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